Meet baby Muffin. He's 2 this year & a total sweetheart.
GUYS. I'm sitting here in my bedroom in front of my laptop & randomly bought a RM220 template lol. It's not my first time, & it brings me back to the days I took blogging quite seriously. Ahhh, I really like this clean, soft pink look ♡ Tell me you like it too? :3
Honestly don't think it's worth the price since it looks so simple but it's sorta the nicest one I can find that suits me. Being the spendthrift that I am, without hestitation.. I just purchase. Although parents had been telling me lately to save money for a rainy day (lesson semi learned due to the whole COVID situation).
I really refrained myself from spending unnecessarily a lot already :/ During the entire lockdown I only bought a total of I think 18 shopping items? Do note that I was extremely, extremely bored sumore & really wanted to just buy things... & the rest are all food since idk how to cook. Ugh.

Look how sien we are hahaha gosh. I'm petite & he's 191cm hence the big diff *face palm*
Btw, trust me. We'd really love to go out for our fav Ippudo Ramen, Menya Shi Shi Do, or Menya Musashi instead of doing these kinda nonsense at home. But I feel kinda lazy to do my makeup just to go out for that 1 hr, you know? & he normally don't go to the bar to "chill drink". He prefers going to the movies but cinema can't open yet. So yeah.
& yesss, we are ramen lovers. He wasn't till he met me tho. I love ramen so much I have a private IG acc called @raineramen haha. Before that he said it's "expensive Japanese Maggi mee" wtf.
I know nobody reads me anymore since the trend has died + I've been inactive for so long but if you're still here by any chance, love you & goodnight ♡
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