Little did I know my "continue posting next time" would be 8 months later GG. Had 8 whole months really passed me by already? :O This is insane.
I love blogging (I'm still paying for my domain plus premium account to host all my photos & videos) but sometimes it just slips my mind. I also miss attending blog events, taking pix, doing reviews, etc T~T
Anyway, 2020 sucks. The past 4 months had been unexpectedly crazy due to the global pandemic. It's affected everyone in so many ways & I'm just the same as you - adapting to the new norm. Business had been greatly affected as well & we're trying to find ways to make it better. Oh how I miss those days when Corona was just one of my fav beer brands...

Here's me, wearing a face mask whenever I'm out.

Only get to remove it when I want to eat/drink. & noob me found out that the blue colored part should be outwards.
During MCO & CMCO, I actually stayed home for abt 70 days straight till I lost patience and started going out to dine-in or to friends' houses. It was as much as I could take like, 70 days was my limit lol counted as super discipline already ok wtf. The SOP felt kinda weird at first but now I can say I'm kinda used to it.

Sitting far from each other. "Social distancing".

Finally felt like a normal humanbeing again haha, wearing shoes being out & about.

Thanks to my sister for treating me to a few dinners ♡ This was at Tokyo Bijin Yakiniku, SS15 Subang Jaya. Food's not bad :)

Don Don Korean BBQ, Hartamas. Usually not a fan of Korean food but I liked this.

Back to self quarantine for a week tho cause I need a break from all the fong gam-ness lol. Celebrating Father's Day at home this weekend, then dinner & drinks on Monday. Ntg else till then.

Btw, during this MCO period I'm sure lots of you picked up a skill or two right? Check out the things my sisters made (at first attempt, may I add). Thai beef noodles, cheese baked rice w salmon, Biscoff lasagne dessert. Just to show/mention a few.

While I only know how to order food fml.

More delivery lolol. This one's courtesy of myBurgerLab, thank you :) Their new "Kampung Vibes Burger" is super nice. Only they can make a combo of sweet, tangy, & spicy taste this good. Juicy fried chicken thigh, sambal penyet, creamy lime & sweet coconut sauces w a coconut infused jelly!

But I did try to cook smtg okay :x Even before getting started on anything I dropped the entire packet of spaghetti on the floor already fml. As usual, clumsyy.

Simple meal but it's all the smiles that counts :) Had fun w the bf despite the spaghetti issue. Lucky for me he's a very patient & understanding guy ♡
I'm sure everything happens for a reason but I hope it'll get better & that a vaccine will be created soon. Shops are allowed to open cause the economy is dying, not that it's safe yet. But for the first time I feel our government did a good job at handling this & I'm happy that Malaysia is one of the countries w the best healthcare apparently.
My hair had been looking absolutely horrible (black roots grew like 5cm wtf) & I still can't fix it yet due to restrictions. Although I'm hopeful that the restrictions should be relaxed next month. Shall post my before & after pic then haha.
Meanwhileee, if you wish to purchase anything from Chixxie just DM us on our social media & mention "Raine" and I'll give you an instant 10% discount okay? ;) Stay safe & tcare, everyone ♡
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