I've drafted all my old posts & will be giving my beloved rainelee.com a revamp very soon but I won't be publicizing it anymore. Instead I'd rather keep it low profile by not telling anyone I'm back. I do miss the times when everyone used to do this instead of being on just FB & IG but that's how it is now.
I've been pretty busy in my offline life. Started a new clothing business that my sisters & I named Chixxie ♡

Here's me, wearing our Karen Romper (White). Also available in Mustard & Black.
It's pretty surprising how much I've been enjoying this. I guess it's my undiscovered passion? Not really tho as I've been in this line solo 6 years ago but gave up cause I couldn't commit. I'm happy that I took this leap of faith. & I'm grateful for the responses and support thus far.
Kk that's it for the updates today. Goodnight! :)